Monday, October 8, 2007

World of Warcraft - Fires of the Outlands

So, I've gotten back into my World of Warcraft CCG. For all of you out there that don't know, a CCG is a collectible card game. The regional tournament is next Saturday in Orange County, and I think I'm going to go. I'm certain to get creamed, but I'd like to go anyway and just see how I do.

Its been awhile since I've played, mostly because I haven't had anyone to play with. But I've found a new gamestore that hosts tournaments on the weekends and I've been going out there. The first tournament I played I got creamed and came in second to last. I beat one person's girlfriend who decided to play so that we would have an even number. Yes, I suck.

But, the second tournament I did better. This was a "draft" tournament. This means you get four random sealed booster packs of cards and then everyone takes a turn drawing a card and then passing it to the person to your right. So, its random and you never know really what your deck is going to end up looking like. I ended up with a "Warlock" deck. (In another post I may explain all the different types of classes and deck types.) This time though, I did pretty well. I came in fourth place.

We played three rounds of the best 2 out of 3 games. So, my first round I got creamed by a pro. It didn't help that I didn't draw any of the cards I needed. So, he won the first game, I won the second game (I was surprised, and I think so was he), and then he beat me in the third game. I killed in the second round. I played a newer player whose deck was based around stalling. As such, it was pretty easy for me to roll over him. So, I won the first two games. The match I'm most proud of though was the third round. It was a close game. My opponent played a Paladin deck. I managed to beat her in the second game by a few points by keeping tempo. In the second game I established board lockdown by bringing out Sarmoth and Lady Courtney Noel. So, each turn she was forced to attack Sarmoth, and then I healed it right back up. I was able to then overwhelm her with my other monsters. All in all, it was the perfect combo.

I'm now trying to decide what to take to regionals next week. I'll put a post up to share with everyone more about that.

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