Saturday, July 7, 2007


So, while slumming in the local game store (which smells of either gamer funk or wet carpet ... its hard to tell) I came across Heroquest the board game. Ahh, nostalgia. I remember playing the game as a kid in my Grandmother's back room with a few of my friends. This was my introduction to RPG's and it is what got me hooked.

While trolling about on e-bay I found an old copy and some expansion packs. Reasonably priced for an older game with a lot of easily lost pieces. Now to see if I can win it ... and then to break it out and play it. (None of this keep it sealed in the box crap.)

I'll keep you updated.


Brother Dave Thompson said...
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Brother Dave Thompson said...

I paid something in the neighborhood of $325 to get my hands on the barbarian and elf questpacks to complete the reconstuction of my long lost set from childhood.

On top of that exercise in foolishness, I paid a goodly sum of cash for the Against the Ogre Horde and Wizards of Modacar expansions that where only released in Europe.

It's only plastic and cardboard, I know, but I absolutely had to have them.

Labor Law Larry said...

I hear you. Most of my board game obsessions are like that. Must. Have. Complete. Set!